Following a rigorous process, Evolve emerged as one of only three local businesses and organisations to be selected as a delivery partner for the Dorset Local Enterprise’s (LEP) Peer Networks programme.
An initiative funded by the government in response to the 2019 Business Productivity Review and to help business get back on their feet post-Covid-19, Peer Networks awards peer-to-peer networking programmes for SME leaders that want to grow their organisation, while also supporting the local business community through its peer groups. Dorset LEP successfully secured government funding to execute the programme through its business growth hub, Dorset Gateway.
Evolve is now taking applications to attend this fully-funded programme of six, 3-hour peer groups—all virtual and led by an experienced chair—and a one-to-one coaching call after each session. Evolve has been awarded three groups, each of which begin in October and conclude in March 2021.
“Peer groups lie at the core of what Evolve is about,” Evolve founder Warren Munson said. “They’re a fantastic way to support businesses and the individuals who run them. Evolve has already had great success with its own peer groups, and I’m really pleased and excited to be part of the Dorset LEP’s Peer Network programme. It’s come at a really crucial time and I’m both delighted and committed to playing a role in the support and growth of local business.”
If you want to be part of a peer group and part of the programme, please contact Evolve at [email protected] or 0333 322 2332.
Evolve launches co-working hub in Poole
6th October 2020
Evolve—the membership community for entrepreneurs and business leaders—will open a co-working hub in Poole in late September. Located within Evolve’s...
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